Second Opinion Lifestyle Changes

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  • Second Opinion Lifestyle Changes

Male 55 years at time of diagnosis of second stage large Intestine cancer .

Economically well off, socially active. Good Knowledge about medical care , regular two yearly PHC ups

Patient safety-the patient safety guidelines was displayed in board in the hospital 

Accreditation of hospitals and their benefits - no idea


  • Doctors gave wrong advice to make money - Patient approached another doctor who suggested removal of entire large intestine! 
  • Second opinion refuted this suggestion. 
    Stitches opened up and led to hernia . Doctors said this is common amongst 2-3% of patients . No one informed or cautioned patient of such a possibility earlier.
  • Over medication, No one explained how long medicines will go on, doctor kept prescribing medicines until patient got fed up and took second opinion.
  • Finally it was self -awareness and lifestyle changes that kept the person healthy and safe.

Learnings and Suggestions- 

  • Better communication between patients and doctor
  • Take a second opinion for surgery
  • Get involved in your own care! 
  • Take care of yourself!! Make correct lifestyle choices.