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My Medical Journey


The burden of Non-Communicable Disease (NCD) is growing at an alarming rate in our country. A survey done recently observed that India’s NCDs increase after 18 years and show a quantum leap when an individual crosses the age of 35 years. Hypertension, digestive diseases and diabetes are the top three disorders.

According to WHO “The rise of NCDs has been driven primarily by four major risk factors: tobacco use, physical inactivity, the harmful use of alcohol and unhealthy diets”. It is for this reason that these NCDs are also called Life Style Diseases.

We have as individuals a huge role to play in preventing and at least minimising the damaging effects of these disorders.

Lifestyle Choices & Changes

Wellness is a feeling when we can live our daily life the way we want to, without getting tired, we sleep soundly, we feel hungry , and we are enthusiastic both about working or recreation without fear. This is a combination of physical health, mental ease, and freedom of the mind..

  • Due to pressures of daily life, poor eating habits, adverse climatic conditions and the genes we inherited, we often end up with lifestyle diseases (NCDs).
  • While medical interventions may help in controlling an episode or a condition, the optimal solution is making deliberate choices about our lifestyle.- the way we live, sleep, eat, work and play.
  • Diseases such as heart disease, diabetes and hypertension also have a genetic reason and hence run in families.
  • However, in all cases, consciously adhering to balanced food and regular physical exercises will help to deal with the issue better.
  • Self -discipline and knowledge of Lifestyle Choices, is therefore a priority for good health . This includes taking preventive vaccinations, or health supplements
  • Mental health needs the same attention as our body. Meditation, yoga, deep breathing, exposure to nature, interacting with people of your choice are also important ways of keeping health.
  • It is common to be depressed, anxious, or suffer from anxieties beyond your control. Seek help from trained personnel for easing your mind
  • There is no taboo in asking for help. It is just the same as going to a medical doctor for your body.