Know your rights & Responsibilities

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While doctors and hospitals provide medical care to the best of their knowledge and ability, Patients also have certain Responsibilities. towards their own care. Simultaneously they have Rights to avail best and affordable quality care. This list of RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES will help to get the maximum benefit from treatment, both to the patient and caregivers. The list is provided in all hospitals. Translation in local languages can be found here


  • Provide your doctor accurate and complete information of all aspects of your present and past medical history, medications, surgeries, and other procedures
  • Keep your medical records/reports in a manner that is accessible to the doctors
  • Ensure that you strictly follow your physician recommended treatment plan and comply with the instructions of the healthcare personnel who implement this plan
  • You are solely responsible for non compliance of your Physicians instructions. Hence, inform the Physician if you are unable to follow the prescribed treatment plan or have doubts
  • Keep track of the developments and/or progress of your condition especially while receiving care. Inform your doctor in time
  • Keep appointments. Notify your doctor if unable to do so
  • the property of the treating facility
  • the rights and property of other patients visiting the facility
  • the rights and property of all the treating/visiting doctors, nurses, paramedics, and other staff employed at the facility

To understand in advance and Promptly fulfill your financial obligation for healthcare services provided to you (including promptly providing updated insurance information, if applicable)

You are solely responsible for the lifestyle decisions you make and the effect these lifestyle choices have on your health.

While we expect high-quality care from Doctors, our role and responsibility as patients in the healthcare process is equally crucial. Responsible patient aid medical professionals and caregivers and contributes to their faster recovery.

Providing comprehensive information to your doctor including medical history, symptoms, family background, and current medications helps in better diagnosis and treatment decisions.

Ask questions, seek clarification on your diagnosis, treatment options, and potential risks. This will help build your confidence and commitment to the treatment plan. Follow your treatment plan diligently including taking medications as prescribed, getting follow-up reviews, adhering to precautions and dietary guidelines, and promptly reporting concerns to your doctor. It is your responsibility to monitor your health and not ignore symptoms.

Respect healthcare teams, patients, and hospital rules. Punctuality, clear communication, and adherence to regulations foster a cooperative healthcare environment. Understand treatment costs, insurance plans, and finances, and settle bills promptly.

Lastly, lifestyle choices significantly impact well-being. It's your responsibility to make necessary changes in response to medical advice.

To know more:

Patient Rights and Responsibilities Document in different Languages

Patients’ Responsibilities

Infographic - Pledge to be a responsible Patient 

At some point, we have all taken on the role of caregiver for our loved ones. The benefits for the patient are immense, as caregivers provide support both physically and emotionally as well as serve as a critical link with the healthcare providers.

Caregivers help coordinate medical appointments, manage healthcare schedules, and ensure prescriptions, diets, precautions, and follow-up appointments. Caregivers also ensure effective patient-provider communication and aiding patients in understanding medical information.

Monitoring and observing the patient's condition, noting changes or treatment side effects, and facilitating timely interventions are essential caregiver duties. Personal care, including bathing, grooming, dressing, and dietary assistance, is also part of their role. They assist with mobility, medication management, and infection prevention.

More importantly, caregivers offer emotional comfort through empathetic listening, reducing patient stress, anxiety, and isolation.

The caregiver's role is very challenging and stressful. To avoid caregiver burnout, self-care is crucial, encompassing regular meals, exercise, adequate sleep, and rest. When the care is over a long period the caregiver must try to keep up with their normal life and find others who can take turns in providing care.

To know more:

How do caregivers support patients?

Infographic - Role of a Caregiver


  • Be treated impartially, irrespective of who you are, what your beliefs are , your nationality, disability or mode of payment, provided the facility offers the required services and has the capacity to treat you
  • Be considered with respect at all times, under all circumstances, while you are being treated
  • Be treated appropriately keeping in mind:
    • your personal privacy especially during examination
    • have your care discussions/consultations conducted discreetly & in a confidential manner
  • Have your medical records kept confidential and viewed only by authorised healthcare personnel
  • Have a person of your same sex present during a physical examination/treatment
  • Expect to be treated with the utmost safety during your stay in the facility as well as while undergoing procedures
  • Not undertake any procedures unless you voluntarily provide written consent for the same (exception being in lifethreatening emergencies or if you are incapacitated)
  • Have access to an interpreter if language is a barrier to your continuing care

Know the identity and professional status of the physician and other healthcare providers who are responsible for and/or involved in your care

  • Receive complete and current information concerning your diagnosis, treatment, and any known progress of your condition in a manner you understand
  • Collaborate with the physician in making treatment decisions (or participating in research projects if any) after being provided all the relevant information of the same
  • Accept or refuse medical care within the purview of the law, while ensuring that your refusal doesn't clash with the ethical and professional standards of the treating physician

If you so desire, to seek a second opinion from another doctor either from within or outside the facility with/without the consent of your current doctor

  • Be provided with an itemised bill of all the services you receive and have the details of the billed items explained to you if you so desire
  • If you have any complaints about any violation of your right, you also have a right to be made aware of how to initiate a complaint, how it would be processed and resolved

As patients, it is important to know and exercise our rights when we receive medical care. By being an informed and engaged patient, you can actively participate in your healthcare decisions.

It is your right to be treated with respect, dignity, courtesy, and sensitivity by all healthcare providers without any discrimination. Your medical information should be kept confidential and accessible only to authorized healthcare professionals. Privacy has to be maintained during medical examinations.

Your medical care has to adhere to proper standards of quality, safety, and effectiveness. You have the right to receive complete and updated information about your health status, diagnosis, treatment options, and expected outcomes. Do not hesitate to ask questions and request a written diagnosis.

Participate in decision-making regarding your healthcare and it is your right to seek a second opinion if you are in doubt. You have to be provided with a safe and secure environment during your treatment or hospitalization. You can express concerns, provide feedback, share your experiences, and make complaints about care delivery, treatment, billing, auxiliary services, or staff behavior constructively, without fear of discrimination.

Use your rights optimally and responsibly, as they empower you to be an active and informed participant in your healthcare journey.

To know more:

Patient Rights and Responsibilities Document in different Languages

Patients' Rights

Infographic - Pledge to protect Patients' Rights 

Download Patient Rights and Responsibilities Document in different Languages