
Patients For Patient Safety Intiative is essentially an aggregator and works in collaboration with a wide network of agencies engaged in patient safety and quality medical care. It aims to spread awareness and educates/empowers civil society regarding best practices followed by care providers, rights responsibilities as patients. For this it engages with a wide network of experts that contribute in multiple ways like knowledge, funding, outreach, support, and promotion of patient safety movement.


Our collaborators are the lifeline of the initiative by providing guidance on a regular basis and getting experts to volunteer to be a part of the core committee.


Quality Assurance Institute

Consortium Of Accredited Hospitals

Knowledge Partners

Patients Safety is a global concern and many organizations all over the world have created knowledge which is meant to be shared to reach out to every individual. We list here organizations from where we have taken material and guidance from their portals. We also welcome all those who would like to share their expertise on patient safety and quality care to become Knowledge Partners.


World health organisation

Can Support

Canadian Society

We welcome all those who would like to share their expertise on patient safety and quality care to become Knowledge Partners’

Funding Sponsors

We invite Societies, Institutions, Industry and Individuals to fund this initiative.


Consortium Of Accredited Hospitals

Outreach Partners

We need to reach out to everyone in the society to fulfil the objectives of Patients For Patient Safety Intiative. We are reaching out to institutions, social groups, societies, patient support groups and others to be our active "outreach partners"


Rotary International

Can Support

Health Care Champions

Individuals-( Doctos, Nurses, Paramedics)

Medical Colleges



Med Research Org

Patient Safety Ambassadors




Civic Associations


Patient Support Groups

Medical research organisations

Medical colleges

Insurance agencies


Accreditation Agencies

Medical research organisations

Insurance agencies

Pharma Companies